Friday, 30 January 2009
video vendredi numero uno!
Thursday, 29 January 2009
chasing after bubbles

- from now on, i will be properly linking all posted photos. (i'm pretty sure everything i've used so far has been public domain or taken by yours truly. the photo above is public domain, but i retrieved it from a lovely site called Grandma's Graphics, which has a wonderful collection of vintage children's book illustrations. you should go there.) i will also be reviewing each of the marvelous websites i have so quietly posted in my links section (one at a time. this will take some time.)
- the coming year will bring updates on my 33-things-to-do-in-my-33rd-year-list (the inspiration for which came from this fabulous post by Hula Seventy)
- the days of the week will soon be filled with recurring series' to delight the reader again and again as follows:
travel tuesdays: travel is my one true passion in life. had i no limitations, i would wander the earth, never lingering longer than a month or two in one place. 'course i'm not goin' anywhere right now 'cause i'm broke. but i will. and so every tuesday i will write about the places i have been and the places i've yet to go.
hump day doodles: i looooooooooooooove to draw. ima post my doodles on hump day.
ph-ursday: as i've mentioned below, i fancy myself a bit of an amateur photographer. so thursdays are for photo show n tell!
video vendredis: to finish out the week, i will post quirky little video clips that i think might tickle your fancy.
saturdays & sundays: come on. everybody knows that saturdays and sundays are for pickin yer nose and making snow men. not for sitting at the computer.
- and all this icky scary structure will be peppered and tossed with plenty of random spitting and drooling.
ambitious. but i think i can do it.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
neon lights!
a karaoke house in taiwan
a juke joint in memphis, tennessee

a tribute to b.b. king's guitar at his bar on beale street
Friday, 16 January 2009
the view from here
And I've decided to lend more of my time to amateur photography...