this edition of
All the King's Women brings us to Elvis' ninth film,
Follow That Dream (1962), and an actress who hails from my own home town: Toronto, Ontario. Anne Helm was born in Toronto in 1938 and had little under her belt but a Christmas pantomime when she and her mother moved to New York City in 1952. there Anne enrolled in the Metropolitan Opera Ballet School and three years later, at the age of 17, was making $25,000 a year doing TV commercials. the compensation enticed Helm away from dancing and toward the screen, where she would land her first film role in
Desire In the Dust (1960).

two years later, she would star opposite Elvis as Holly Jones in Follow That Dream. the story of a family who decide to squat on the side of a highway and homestead on crown land, much to the chagrin of local police, this film is absolutely ridiculous, in the most wonderful way. Elvis is hilarious as a not-so-bright country boy who avoids getting married by reciting the times tables to himself whenever a pretty girl approaches. trouble is, he don't know what comes after the 'nines-es'. that's right. Anne is charming in this one as well and i recommend watching it if you're a fan of ensuing hilarity.

the 60s and 70s saw Anne do a few more movies, as well as countless television appearances. she married twice, each union producing a child. having retired from acting in 1986,
Annie Helm, is now a children's book author and illustrator.