hello my darling readers,
my apologies for not having written much in the last two days. i was struck with a wee bout of blogger's block, in light of which i have decided to make a few additions to my daily postings. the first of said additions will be a weekly playlist, generally themed but periodically random. i am a passionate lover of music and am excited to share some of my favourites with you! if nothing else, these posts will give you some music to read by :)
given that Valentine's day looms, here are 10 beautiful tunes i've entitled Our Way to Fall: songs in the key of love. the tenth is a video, cuz i couldn't find the version i love on the site i was using (playlist.com)
i'd love to take your requests as well! please leave a comment suggesting a theme for a playlist (anything at all, it could be a random word if you like) and i'll post one for you. whadaya think?