Tuesday, 10 March 2009

the woods are lovely, dark and deep...

[Road to Killarney by David J Veres of "the New 7"]

my mind turns and returns to damp, quiet forests and smooth rocks. it seems eons since the earth of anything but dog parks and backyards has cushioned my concrete feet.
my husband and i have been watching Northern Exposure. i've seen every episode more than once, but i can always revisit. and everytime i do, i am prone to daydream of moving shop to the north.
this morning's northern daydreams have been coloured and scented by my recent reservation of a campsite in Killarney Provincial Park in late june. you really have to grab the early worm to get a site these days, and now i'm doomed to fantasize for 3 and a half months.
Killarney is a magical place. the jewel in the Ontario Parks' crown. trails crawling with wildlife stretch through the park like vines, carrying you to saphire lakes and ancient stone hills, and views that have inspired for thousands of years.
Killarney's landscapes have been an ispiration to countless artists, including members of the Group of Seven, some of whom were instrumental in persuading the Ontario government to declare the area a protected park.

i could wax on about Killarney for hours, but i've work to do (...and miles to go before i sleep :)

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